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Expert Veterinary
Consultations You Need

Offering specialty care for your patients may not have been easier. Join Search a Vet and connect with top veterinary specialists - let your practice grow!

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An Extension Of You


Those Who Chose Us

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We Are Simplifying Specialty Care for Your Practice

At Search a Vet, we streamline specialty care by partnering with various veterinary practices.

By collaborating with board-certified specialists, you can easily manage your cases. For cases needing transfer, our network ensures your patients get timely specialty hospital spots.

For vets, we’re dedicated to making specialty care accessible and effortless.

Convenience You Need

Practice Manager for You

Your Practice Champion is your dedicated ally. When you need to consult on a case, they’ll match you with the perfect specialist and seamlessly coordinate your video consultation.

Consultation Process

We want to understand your perspective. Our advisory specialists review your case. They also ask focused questions to narrow down differentials and create a detailed game plan - all for additional diagnostics, scenarios, and referral timelines.

Timely Hospital Appointments

Our dedicated team provides ongoing support for both new and repeat cases. When a specialty hospital referral is needed, we arrange timely appointments through our network, easing your referral burden.

At Search a Vet, Success Awaits

Our platform highly supports concierge-style collaboration and results. We’ve created our platform to help vets see their careers growing


A network of specialists whenever you need them - flexibility and immediate support.


Workflows and support, considering the importance of specialty care - added reliability ensured.


improving the level of care you provide to


A dedicated liaison to do all you need, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.


collaboration throughout the entire case lifecycle.


your practice style, ensuring smooth and

Your Team - Always Available For You


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We Believe in Empowering Our
Veterinary Professionals

Client Trust

We understand that client relationships are the core of any practice. Search a Vet helps you manage everything in-house, improving patient care and building trust and loyalty with your clients.

Revenue Improvement

Boost your practice’s financial health by taking on more complex cases in-house and providing a higher standard of care. Our services help you enhance revenue and optimize financial performance.

Career Advancement

Grow your skills and expertise by working closely with boarded specialists. Our platform supports continuous learning and professional development, helping you advance your career.

Professional Growth

Collaborate seamlessly with specialists on complex cases to ensure better outcomes for your patients. Our system improves the chances of successful treatment plans and results.

Emergency Contact

Emergency Call +1 (516) 593-7100

Emergency E-mail

24/7 Email Support [email protected]

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